This song says it all without any imagery that would be horrible for our kids to view. Abortion is a holocaust. It IS genocide. It is an Atrocity on a grand scale akin to what took place in Nazi Germany, Rwanda and other African countries. It reminds me of what is currently going on in Zimbabwe at the hands of that evil dictator, Robert Mugabe. (Which has been going on for a long long time with people in the rest of the world turning a blind eye. If we can't see it, we can just happily pretend the killings aren't happening and live life fooling ourselves with the belief that people are mostly Nice).
Here is a song by Destined Kids, an African children's band. It's called "Africa Why?"
Why indeed have countless priceless babies and children been slaughtered there? Pregnant women too? Bad things happen because good people do nothing, as the saying goes. So, please DO something!!
For those who think there are too many starving children in the world, that this Earth is too overpopulated and abortion is like a neccessary culling so we can concentrate on feeding born babies, here is a message straight from the slums of Africa to you:
One can understand why African ladies have abortions, as they live hand to mouth in abject poverty usually, and often in civil war with rapes and horrible atrocities going on. Hardly an ideal environment to want to bring a child into, particularly if conceived at the hands of brutal gang rapists. The suffering of these women must be immense to want to terminate the life of their unborn. For those of us in wealthy nations, with clean drinking water, food in our bellies and a bright future full of infinite possiblities - what is OUR excuse?
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